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FOREST SERVER | Year: 132 Era: 15

Official Trophy List

List Of Awards
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Showing All Awards for Year 115 Chimeric Breeder's Club

Top Producing Stallion

Champion: DC0 TheSilverBrin owned by Dinascar
Number 2: DC00 LittleMaestro owned by Dinascar
Number 3: A999 SB Revenge owned by AHayesHorses
Number 4: Giantsbane G7A owned by Whippoorwill
Number 5: King Slayer G6S owned by Whippoorwill
Number 6: ATA 2G CHIMERA owned by AngeltheAppaloosa
Number 7: A3 DBmu Caramel Stork owned by AHayesHorses
Number 8: Warlock Of Qarth G5S owned by Whippoorwill
Number 9: *Viserion G4S owned by Whippoorwill
Number 10: Rains Of Castamere G3S owned by Whippoorwill

Top Producing Mare

Champion: Keeping in Brindle owned by BossScorpio
Number 2: A2 Mu 8833932 Chimera owned by AHayesHorses
Number 3: DBLE2 B3e Dewy LibbyHJUCH owned by DoubleMash2
Number 4: 3AL Chim Astral Display owned by Haltanny
Number 5: A2 Mu 9061479 CHM owned by AHayesHorses
Number 6: KeepSpl2 App BLUE n owned by CollectingColts2
Number 7: OldenPretty Ice owned by SylvanScout
Number 8: Double Daze JsDFADYqnyB2 owned by Cheers
Number 9: 2BH Chim Extra Electro owned by Haltanny
Number 10: 2B In Disguise DPsa owned by StormwoodFarm

Highest PT Of the Year

Champion: New Brindle10350524 owned by Dinascar
Number 2: DC 10350518 super owned by Dinascar
Number 3: DBLE2 2S9e NF King of Rome owned by DoubleMash2
Number 4: A4 DBMu Monster owned by AHayesHorses
Number 5: BOOST 10338530 owned by AngeltheAppaloosa
Number 6: Record Missing owned by TwinForestStables
Number 7: E2 BR Cookie Hacker owned by ShelteredShadows
Number 8: E2 BR Nox Appropriations owned by ShelteredShadows
Number 9: E2 BR Successfully Stormy owned by ShelteredShadows
Number 10: MLM Clean Money owned by Drafts26

Most Points Earned by Foundation Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by Whippoorwill
Number 2: Record Missing owned by Dinascar22
Number 3: Record Missing owned by Dinascar
Number 4: Record Missing owned by BlackWyld
Number 5: Record Missing owned by Whippoorwill
Number 6: Record Missing owned by Wytchmore
Number 7: Record Missing owned by TripleGRanch
Number 8: $ RS Stars and Stripes $ owned by ImagineThat1
Number 9: Record Missing owned by Dinascar
Number 10: Record Missing owned by Whitesun

Most Points Earned by 2nd Gen Horse

Champion: Record Missing owned by Whippoorwill
Number 2: 2BL Chim Tragic Anguished owned by Haltanny
Number 3: 2g Latke owned by BoggartRun
Number 4: Record Missing owned by AgainstTheOdds
Number 5: Record Missing owned by WolfDen
Number 6: Record Missing owned by Whippoorwill
Number 7: Record Missing owned by Alohomora
Number 8: Record Missing owned by KaschStables
Number 9: CHIMERA AHH 9467381 owned by AHayesHorses
Number 10: Record Missing owned by AHayesHorses

Most Points Earned by Lined Horse

Champion: DC00 LittleMaestro owned by Dinascar
Number 2: DC00 8046476bipBRIN owned by Dinascar
Number 3: Record Missing owned by Dinascar
Number 4: Record Missing owned by Dinascar
Number 5: Record Missing owned by DoubleMash2
Number 6: Record Missing owned by Haltanny
Number 7: Record Missing owned by Whippoorwill
Number 8: Record Missing owned by Beadingterri
Number 9: Record Missing owned by Haltanny
Number 10: Record Missing owned by Skylight