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FOREST SERVER | Year: 131 Era: 14

Official Trophy List

List Of Awards
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Showing All Awards for Year 126 Champagne Breeder's Club

Top Producing Stallion

Champion: T4 Dominus 106346 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 2: T4 Dominion 103885 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 3: Lockheed Kestrel DB owned by Gracie3B
Number 4: Generational Champ DB owned by Gracie3B
Number 5: NSb Stickers Songs owned by NorthernStars
Number 6: NSb Method Collectible owned by NorthernStars
Number 7: t3 10534611 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 8: t3 10818765 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 9: t3 9903712 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 10: 0000000Sup top Snow owned by Sweetfire

Top Producing Mare

Champion: Champion Couture DB15 owned by Gracie3B
Number 2: Aura Augmentation DB151 owned by Gracie3B
Number 3: Sylphlike Zephyr DBrp owned by Gracie3B
Number 4: Shallow Shoutout B15rp owned by Gracie3B
Number 5: Lighter than air B150 owned by Gracie3B
Number 6: University division Bnd owned by Gracie3B
Number 7: Court champagne B5 146 owned by Gracie3B
Number 8: T4 1102299 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 9: Silver Sand Dollar B15 owned by Gracie3B
Number 10: NSb Fort Electrical owned by NorthernStars

Highest PT Of the Year

Champion: 11727497 aur owned by Gracie3B
Number 2: 11766688 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 3: ZGraphics Centres owned by Gracie3B
Number 4: 11766676 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 5: 11766682 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 6: 11766661 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 7: 11766689 owned by BeyondOblivion
Number 8: Kilometers Meals B owned by Gracie3B
Number 9: NSb Golden Presenting owned by NorthernStars
Number 10: NSb Coati Compaq owned by NorthernStars

Most Points Earned by Foundation Horse

Champion: SH10448827 owned by Looper
Number 2: Record Missing owned by Whippoorwill
Number 3: Record Missing owned by BoredCowgirl
Number 4: 01SV Insight owned by Summervine
Number 5: 9982721 GSACCRDSTFAR SoP owned by ImagineThat1
Number 6: Z FR10551047 owned by Skylight
Number 7: Create 10820765 owned by Ellesmere022
Number 8: DayAtTheBeach128 owned by WinDriftHill
Number 9: FR10826731 owned by Alohomora
Number 10: Record Missing owned by BoredCowgirl

Most Points Earned by 2nd Gen Horse

Champion: 10297166 G2 owned by Whippoorwill
Number 2: Record Missing owned by Whippoorwill
Number 3: Record Missing owned by StormwoodFarm
Number 4: Stormwood Sunshine 2G owned by StormwoodFarm
Number 5: Record Missing owned by StormwoodFarm
Number 6: Stormwood Cat Attack 2G owned by StormwoodFarm
Number 7: Record Missing owned by StormwoodFarm
Number 8: Record Missing owned by StormwoodFarm
Number 9: Stormwood Brink 2G owned by StormwoodFarm
Number 10: Record Missing owned by StormwoodFarm

Most Points Earned by Lined Horse

Champion: Stormwood So Classic B owned by StormwoodFarm
Number 2: BG Energy Flow sae0 owned by StormwoodFarm
Number 3: 9635706 owned by Sweetfire
Number 4: G8 2Lp2EZChSb SupChamp646 owned by LSR_7
Number 5: G8 Champ 9671668 owned by LSR_7
Number 6: NSb Smoking Orleans owned by NorthernStars
Number 7: ZStrike Complaint owned by Gracie3B
Number 8: Champion Couture DB15 owned by Gracie3B
Number 9: ZDiane Gourmet owned by Gracie3B
Number 10: Champ Frill Nature B owned by VenemousGiant